Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Weigh in Wenesday!

Hello friends.


It is Weigh-in Wednesday and my current weight is….

252 lbs.

 So, in the last 4 days I have lost a pound (since I weighed in on Saturday of last week).

Iwas a little discouraged when I stepped on the scale this morning and saw that number.

Don’t get me wrong- I still lost weight (which is a victory!) but I can’t help but feel like I should be losing more than this each week.

So after brainstorming about things I can do differently, here are a couple of plans I have moving forward:

1. Continue using my food journal. I really like being able to look back during the day and see what I ate and what I need to change. I am hoping to notice patterns that can help me plan for better success. Good thing I have a husband who likes to evaluate data!! J

2. Continue counting calories. This “Lose It” app is awesome, and I only went a little over my daily calories once this week – which is another victory for me!

3. I am going to push myself more when working out. I am going to do yoga every morning (it is P90X yoga, so it is more intense than you could imagine). When at the gym, I am going to do one type of cardio for longer periods of time. This last week I have been doing 20 minutes on the treadmill and then switching between the bike and the elliptical. My new plan is to work at least 45 minutes on one machine. <-------advice from my sweet husband.

4. I am going to choose foods that will fill me up. I am realizing how important it is to use my calories wisely-I only get so many of them, you know??


Another week, another pound lighter---this is a success!

On a side note: Aaron and I were told by the men who work at the Rec that we are their most loyal gym goers!!  I thought this was a huge success!!

Thanks for reading, friends!

Do you have any other helpful tips for me???

1 comment:

  1. Courtney, don't be discouraged. I used to be a dancer, and I would do the eliptical 5 days a week for an hour, and that builds a lot of leg muscle. Which in turn will make you weigh more. So you also have to take into consideration when fat is turning to muscle. Which is good! I am so glad you are doing well, and will continue praying for your journey. If you ever need help let me know, my step mom is a fitness instructer. She teaches private pilates, and yoga. So if you ever need advice from her I am sure she could help.
