Sunday, May 20, 2012

No more Jean dancing....

Heyyyy there my friends!

Well, I have some fantastic news! Are you ready??

Ok here we go.

So…I bought these really nice (and a little pricy) pair of jeans about a year and a half ago. I wore them for a couple of months and then started growing out of them. I was devastated because I really loved them.

But of course I kept them to prove to myself that I was going to fit back into them eventually.

When I started this journey they wouldn’t even button. It was not a pretty sight and I felt pretty discouraged about it. Then I tried them on again back in the winter months and they still wouldn’t button.

Fast forward to Friday.

I went out jeans shopping because I desperately needed just one pair to get me through the summer….my other jeans have completely worn out and are no longer wearable.

Now, I will admit, I do love to go shopping for fabric and craft stuff…but not for clothes. Even when I was younger and my mom would let me go shopping, she would have to tell me to buy clothes and not face glitter, scrunchies, novelty socks, etc. (That makes me sound like such a cool kid….haha).  I really don’t like clothes shopping because it usually ends in me walking out of stores with tears in my eyes and empty handed.  So for me to venture out and go clothes shopping….it’s a big deal.

Let’s just say…Friday was yet another shopping day of tears and empty hands. I was out shopping for several hours and went to over 7 different stores and found NOTHING! I gave up and came home so I could sulk.

After I got home, and after debating with myself whether or not I should drink a big Dr. Pepper and eat something unhealthy (which in the past I would have…but I didn’t!! Score points for me!!!), I just stood and stared in my closet.

I stared down at the corner of my closet and saw my jean collection (yes, multiple pairs of jeans that no longer fit but I keep  in hopes that they will one day be wearable again) I thought to myself….well you have already had a pretty unsuccessful day so you might as well try them on. How could it get worse?

And let me tell you….it got better!

I pulled on those jeans AND got them buttoned AND there was extra room!!!! I didn’t even have to do the jean dance….you know what I’m talking about…that thing you do after you wash your favorite jeans and need to stretch them out a little bit-dance around and do a couple of squats…ah good times.

So they fit!! This is the first time that I have really felt a change in my body. It was such a blessing, like I was rewarded after working so hard!

I convinced my sweet, sweet husband to leave a few minutes before church started and stop by the park near our home and take some victory photos of me in my pants! And here are some of my favorites!  

 Thank you for your encouragement and love!! I appreciate every single one of you! Please keep praying for me to see more success!

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