Hi friends!
Goodness I am terrible at this whole blog thing!
I really have no good excuses for not keeping up with it and that's just sad. So I am really going to try and do it at least one post a week!
Well its weigh-in Wednesday....and my current weight is.....
So that means that so far in my journey i have lost 32 pounds!
honestly when i started this journey I don't think i really believed in myself enough to think that i would be able to say that i have lost 32 pounds. It makes me really excited about reaching that half way point! And then reaching that goal of 80 pounds lost! what a sweet victory that will be!
Its pretty crazy to think about it.
The other day when i was at the rec. i had weighed in at 226 (30 pounds lost) that morning and decided to just see what 30 pounds feels like with the hand weights...and let me tell you. I WAS SHOCKED!
Now i know looking at a 30 pound hand weight might not look like much but what really shocked me was that i was carrying 30 more pounds when i started. I don't necessarily feel like i am walking "lighter" but i do feel so much better and i know that the more weight i lose the better i will feel physically and emotionally.
I find it funny now that when i am out anywhere and something has a weight on it, i think of it in pounds lost. Like a big bag of rice, or how heavy a gallon of milk is. Its almost fun to see that weight i lost in different objects.
I cant tell you all how much your sweet words of encouragement help me. It means so much to be when someone says that they follow my blog. Those words give me motivation to keep going .
80 Or Bust!!
Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body." 1 Corinthians 3:19-20
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
You just need to see/read .....Weigh-in Wednesday!
Hello Friends!
Its me....ya know...Courtney....the girl who said she would keep up with her blog every week....and I failed at that.
But I will say that the last several weeks have been a little crazy
I will just give you some brief updates:
* I traveled to Lubbock for a week.
* I got to play and love on my sweet nephews and spend some quality times with my Sister and family.
* My brother got married! It was an emotional weekend that is for sure! But our family is so blessed to have gained such a sweet woman!
* On the drive back from Lubbock I got sick and had a fever of 102.
* I was basically in a sleep coma for 3 days till I went to the Doctor and was diagonosed with Strep.
* I was put on meds and stated feeling better.
* I then felt worse when I developed a nasty full body rash.
* I was put on lots of different meds and was tested for mono and thankfully tested negative.
So now....my rash has gone away im just splotchy. I have not really been able to work out there for a while so I had to be extra careful with what I was eating and how much of it.
So today....Weigh-In Wednesday
My current weight is....229!
That means as of right now....I have lost 27 pounds!
Its weird because I can finally start to see it that i have lost weight....My sister the other night called me and told me to get on my computer and look back at some photos of me from when i started...around November
Let me just show you....Here is the photo from when I started the Blog:
Ok...so Here is a more recent one of me at my brothers wedding...
So....yeah...I cant tell a pretty big difference...its pretty stinking awesome!
Thanks for sticking with me in my absence! Yall are soo AWESOME!
Its me....ya know...Courtney....the girl who said she would keep up with her blog every week....and I failed at that.
But I will say that the last several weeks have been a little crazy
I will just give you some brief updates:
* I traveled to Lubbock for a week.
* I got to play and love on my sweet nephews and spend some quality times with my Sister and family.
* My brother got married! It was an emotional weekend that is for sure! But our family is so blessed to have gained such a sweet woman!
* On the drive back from Lubbock I got sick and had a fever of 102.
* I was basically in a sleep coma for 3 days till I went to the Doctor and was diagonosed with Strep.
* I was put on meds and stated feeling better.
* I then felt worse when I developed a nasty full body rash.
* I was put on lots of different meds and was tested for mono and thankfully tested negative.
So now....my rash has gone away im just splotchy. I have not really been able to work out there for a while so I had to be extra careful with what I was eating and how much of it.
So today....Weigh-In Wednesday
My current weight is....229!
That means as of right now....I have lost 27 pounds!
Its weird because I can finally start to see it that i have lost weight....My sister the other night called me and told me to get on my computer and look back at some photos of me from when i started...around November
Let me just show you....Here is the photo from when I started the Blog:
Ok...so Here is a more recent one of me at my brothers wedding...
So....yeah...I cant tell a pretty big difference...its pretty stinking awesome!
Thanks for sticking with me in my absence! Yall are soo AWESOME!
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Vaca-Weigh in Wednesday!
Hello Y'all!
Whew...I must say it has been a couple of crazy weeks!
I know that I missed last weeks weigh in and my reasoning is that my sweet husband and I were recovering from our 1st anniversary celebration trip to Las Vegas! It was so much fun and when we got back it was absolutely exhausting! So We spent alllll day wednesday recovering!
But the awesome news is that while we were there we (we meaning Aaron) roughly calculated how much we walked while we were there and we walked...are you ready for this?? OVER 30 MILES!! In about 2 days!
Man we were so tired!
Here are just a few highlight photos of our little vacation!
On other news...Hello Weigh-in Wednesday!
And my current weight is....
drum roll please.....
So im back to my lowest weight again and it feels good!
Ive been getting back into the routine of my work outs and even changing things up from time to time...like running at the park...which needless to say....it gets pretty darn hot out there! but its a nice change of scenery.
So the next couple weeks are going to be busy too! Lots of birthdays and traveling and spending some quality time with my man!
Thanks for sticking with me when I'm flaky on blogging! You all are so appreciated!
Happy Thursday!
Whew...I must say it has been a couple of crazy weeks!
I know that I missed last weeks weigh in and my reasoning is that my sweet husband and I were recovering from our 1st anniversary celebration trip to Las Vegas! It was so much fun and when we got back it was absolutely exhausting! So We spent alllll day wednesday recovering!
But the awesome news is that while we were there we (we meaning Aaron) roughly calculated how much we walked while we were there and we walked...are you ready for this?? OVER 30 MILES!! In about 2 days!
Man we were so tired!
Here are just a few highlight photos of our little vacation!
Aaron and I had some pretty crazy travel plans on the way to Vegas...which included flying from 2 different airports, 2 different airlines and getting to the Vegas airport at 2 different times! So my plane ride consisted of keeping myself busy with doodles and "Where Women Create"
Finally getting to Las Vegas!!
They are just cuties!!! Aaron is so sweet to help green monster get some cool photos!
On top of the Eiffel Tower overlooking the strip!
Of to see The Phantom!
Our last day there! It was so much fun! We loved the Flamingo!
On other news...Hello Weigh-in Wednesday!
And my current weight is....
drum roll please.....
So im back to my lowest weight again and it feels good!
Ive been getting back into the routine of my work outs and even changing things up from time to time...like running at the park...which needless to say....it gets pretty darn hot out there! but its a nice change of scenery.
So the next couple weeks are going to be busy too! Lots of birthdays and traveling and spending some quality time with my man!
Thanks for sticking with me when I'm flaky on blogging! You all are so appreciated!
Happy Thursday!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
New machines and weekly weigh in!
Hey there friends!
So it’s Wednesday again…and you know what that means.
Weigh-in Wednesday
So my current weight is…
So the last 2 weeks have been a little rough.
But the last couple of days I have really gotten re-motivated.
I’m not completely there but I think I am getting back to the way I was when I started
which is a great thing!
In other news my little Rec I go to just got all new work
out machines!
It’s actually made me a little more excited about working
out (it sounds kinda weird but it feels like having a new toy to play with).
They are pretty sweet and have speakers and little fans
built in.
They also got rid of a lot of the old machines that were
pretty junky and didn’t really work.
So it’s actually been exciting to get to figure out all the
gadgets and play with the new programs and such.
Here are a few photos of the new machines!
So hopefully this will keep my extra motivated in these hot summer months!
Thank you all for all your love and support! I really could not have gotten this far without it.
I appreciate every single one of you!
Happy Wednesday!
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Weigh - in Wednesday
Hey friends!!
I can’t believe it’s almost June!! Where did the month of
May go??
Whew…time is flying by!
Well it is also time for weigh in Wednesday….Since I
neglected blogging last week this was my weight last week.
And this week
Yes! 15 pounds down!
So that means that I am one little pound away from reaching
20 percent of my goal!
It has definitely been a long learning experience so far and
I’m excited to continue on it till the goal is reached!
Well stay tuned on Friday for the weekly update of whats
been going on in my life this week!
Thanks for your encouragement and support!
Y’all Rock!!!
Sunday, May 20, 2012
No more Jean dancing....
Heyyyy there my friends!
Well, I have some fantastic news! Are you ready??
Ok here we go.
So…I bought these really nice (and a little pricy) pair of
jeans about a year and a half ago. I wore them for a couple of months and then started
growing out of them. I was devastated because I really loved them.
But of course I kept them to prove to myself that I was
going to fit back into them eventually.
When I started this journey they wouldn’t even button. It
was not a pretty sight and I felt pretty discouraged about it. Then I tried
them on again back in the winter months and they still wouldn’t button.
Fast forward to Friday.
I went out jeans shopping because I desperately needed just
one pair to get me through the summer….my other jeans have completely worn out
and are no longer wearable.
Now, I will admit, I do love to go shopping for fabric and
craft stuff…but not for clothes. Even when I was younger and my mom would let
me go shopping, she would have to tell me to buy clothes and not face glitter,
scrunchies, novelty socks, etc. (That makes me sound like such a cool
kid….haha). I really don’t like clothes
shopping because it usually ends in me walking out of stores with tears in my
eyes and empty handed. So for me to
venture out and go clothes shopping….it’s a big deal.
Let’s just say…Friday was yet another shopping day of tears
and empty hands. I was out shopping for several hours and went to over 7
different stores and found NOTHING! I gave up and came home so I could sulk.
After I got home, and after debating with myself whether or
not I should drink a big Dr. Pepper and eat something unhealthy (which in the
past I would have…but I didn’t!! Score points for me!!!), I just stood and stared
in my closet.
I stared down at the corner of my closet and saw my jean
collection (yes, multiple pairs of jeans that no longer fit but I keep in hopes that they will one day be wearable
again) I thought to myself….well you have already had a pretty unsuccessful day
so you might as well try them on. How could it get worse?
And let me tell you….it got better!

So they fit!! This is the first time that I have really felt
a change in my body. It was such a blessing, like I was rewarded after working
so hard!
I convinced my sweet, sweet husband to leave a few minutes
before church started and stop by the park near our home and take some victory
photos of me in my pants! And here are some of my favorites!
Thank you for your encouragement and love!! I appreciate
every single one of you! Please keep praying for me to see more success!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Where have I been!?
So….first off I would like to apologize for my absence
lately. I have been busier than usual, but that is no excuse for me to ignore
my readers.
Let me just say that I have had a rough month working out
and eating right. I have been lazy and gotten too comfortable again. Having
said that, I am officially out of my funk and back to being motivated and
My current weight is 243 lbs.
I still have one more pound to lose before I am back to
where I was when the lazy month began.
I have been fluctuating the past couple of weeks and it has
been discouraging because it feels like I am a different weight every single
So I have started a new plan. Would you like to hear it? Ok,
ok, I will tell you.
After chatting with my hubs about what I could do to shake
things up I have decided that I need to work out more than once a day.
Part 1 of the plan is to increase the amount of time I am
spending at the rec. I was spending about 45 minutes working out, but now I am
working out 2 hours each morning. I am doing a lot of cardio and some weights.
Part 2 of the plan is to work out again each day. The second
workout will be something like yoga, a walk to the park, or swimming! Yay! I’m
excited about the latter one! Less intense, but still intentional. The point is
to keep my body moving.
Part 3 of the plan is to do something to help me stay organized
and on top of my eating, my daily to-do list and my blog.
I found all of these really great free printables online and
went and had them laminated at Kinko’s so I can use markers on them and then
erase them fresh for a new day!
These things are awesome!
I have been using them every day and they help keep me
motivated! It has all the things I need during the day and weekly schedules for
my blog!
Part 4 of the plan is that the hubby and I have made a
weekly menu…where we write down everything we are going to eat for dinner…so
there is no indecision when it is time to eat. Part of the reason we are doing
this is to keep us from eating out on impulse.
So that is it my friends….Now I will leave you with a few
photos of what I have been doing lately!
Lots of Tea and Quiet time outside!
Spending time with my sweet nephews!
My Nephew!
Spending time with these sweet ladies was a BIG HIGHLIGHT!
Thank you all for reading….I’m sorry for being absent for so
long. The absence is over.
I’m back!
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